About The Performance

A special presentation of two Indian Classical Dance styles at an evening full of grace and rhythm.

Indian Dance is a combination of vibrant rhythms, ancient scriptures, mythology, story telling, great devotion meeting in harmony and grace.

It is a unique meeting of two Israeli dancers, each one met with the Indian Dance and culture, each embraced it to her life.
On  stage they both share their love and passion to the Indian classical dance, is a solo format, and a
  rhythmic duet, a collaboration of the two styles.

Along with the performance there will be an open question-answer session with the audience.

Workshops are available as well by request, in both styles.

"Two Colors of India" had it's successful première at the Tel Aviv Dance Center summer festival and was appreciated by the representatives of the Indian Embassy in Israel, on July 2010.


about the styles the artists video workshops contact us עברית

Website design and Production Director - Yael Tal ©